
Monday, April 1

Berani Mengubah? Yuk, baikin Pendidikan.

Just a few weeks ago, I bought this so-inspiring book. Judulnya "Berani Mengubah". Honestly, I didn't  intend to buy that book, I just read it in the bookstore out of my own curiosity. It was written by Pandji Pragiwaksono. Yes, that Pandji "KENNA DEH!!" or that one big guy on Stand Up Comedy. Some of his followers on twitter already gave reviews about the book, and I'm curious about the book!

Akhirnya kebaca deh di Gramed dan ternyata capek juga ye berdiri sambil numpang baca doang. Karena kecapekan berdiri, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk beli buku itu. And I forgot that I just bought the lecturing journal! Ujung-ujungnya sadar kalo tekor. Untung masih ada Indomie, makasih Indomie. (Maklum anak kos)

Waktu numpang baca di Gramed, saya baca bab yang ternyata 'ringan', soalnya pas lanjut baca (dari awal) di kosan, ya Allah.... ngalah-ngalahin nela'ah thesis deh ya! Bukunya agak berat, walau gak seberat penulisnya mungkin. Tapi ISI dari bukunya itu cukup menggugah nurani 'kepemudaan' kita sebagai anak muda Indonesia. Bahkan, setelah 2 minggu nyelesaikan baca bukunya, saya masih kepikiran tentang apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk bangsa ini, especially in term of Education. 

Sebagai anak FKIP dan calon guru, saya sadar bahwa hal terdekat yang bisa saya jangkau adalah pendidikan. Terlebih lagi dengan kisruhnya kurikulum 2013 ini dikalangan para elit pendidikan. Bah.. jangan langsung ke kurikulum dulu kali ya? Kita mulai mikirin ini dulu deh, berapa persen anak Indonesia yang bisa mendapatkan HAK mereka untuk mendapatkan pendidikan. Berapa? Banyak? Kalau udah banyak, kenapa tuh masih ada aja yang keliaran bukan di tempatnya (sekolah). Dan jika semua anak Indonesia sudah mendapat haknya untuk mengenyam pendidikan, apakah pendidikan yang mereka dapatkan memang mereka butuhkan? atau sesuai dengan apa yang mereka cita-citakan? Apakah kedepannya pendidikan ini mampu menolong mereka dalam penerapannya dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat? 

How? I still have more questions.

Masih banyak yang harus diperbaiki dari bangsa ini dan saya pun ingin memulai menjadi satu dari mereka yang berani untuk mengubah. Tapi bentar dulu deh.... saya selesaikan tugas Literary Appreciation & Criticism saya dulu. hehehe :p

Sunday, April 8

Instagram. Madness.

Well yeah, who doesn't know Instagram today? *not to mention my parents and other parents*
This "special" application which actually made for iOS only, now spreads its wings to Android!
It's only been four or five days ago that they released the Instagram for Android OS, and now we can really feel the effect! EVERYONE IS IN INSTAGRAM NOW!

I cannot really understand what is so special about Instagram, because I think there is another application that even makes more sense! is it only because it was ONLY for iOS-based stuff??
As I know, until today, many people started to edit and upload their pictures to Instagram, BAD OR GOOD! including me, yeah -___-

Well, I may be not so into art, so I can't decide whether a picture is good or bad by the art side. I follow my mind, my own point-of-view about this phenomenon. What is the point of uploading images that doesn't even good, nor have any story behind it? PEOPLE SHOULD REALLY BANG THEIR HEAD! *hittin' my head against the Computer*

and since FREEDOM is being anyone's reason, IT IS OKAY NOWADAYS.
yeah, I do respect you. your freedom. your life.
but can we give this world some meanings?
Please, upload picture that has meaning, or story. It is still okay if you tell us the story in the caption.

Sincerely, one-of-instagram-users.

Friday, February 24



I'm still awake. I'm missing her, one of my best-friends ever. I wanna call her, but she wouldn't reply. I wanna share stories with her, how we, her friends in Samarinda, doing our lifes. Would she listen to me? Could she hear me?

She's in another world, closer to heaven. A place that deserves her, a better place than where we are living right now. She went there, first...

She had gone. Gone, she is not coming back again, but not forgotten.

She hated being lonely. But is she alone there? She went by her own, no one accompanied her. Doesn't she feel lonely?

I'm saying these, because she left me, she left us, her friends.. and we are really lost. I even feel lonely, like doing all by myself. I'm losing a part of me.

We used to share our stories, talk about the past and imagine what tomorrow would bring, had different opinions, teasing each other, fighting for nothing!

Our last conversation on twitter, was about the boys we liked in highschool! Man, I couldn't believe that we still remember it, and re-acted just like in the past! You still got mad when I was bringing the boy you hated (or love crazily) up. Man, that was over 2 years, and you still!!!!.... ough!!!

When I heard what happened with her, it was like that news was a pill that I should swallow. Bitter..

I really couldn't believe it, I wished it was another girl, with the same name as her. I spent my whole day crying, remembering all the memories. It was like everything around me reminded me to you, my beautiful friend!

Now you are gone.. Only the pictures keep your smile, and the videos keep your voice with us, your amazing voice. I actually really miss when you called me in the morning at school... that sounds really hateful, but that was the thing I miss the most from you.

We always fought.. fought and fought.. fighting for nothing.

But after that, we laughed, we laughed so hard, baby!

So hard that I can still hear your laughing :')

and I realize that, right now, you are smiling and laughing quietly, there... somewhere only God knows.

It's not more than two years in highschool, until we graduated, and moved to other city to reach our own dreams. But you already have a place of my heart, hundred pages of my lifestory-book, much liters of my tears.

You are my bestfriend.

Forever, and ever.

To you, Wardatina.

In the better place than mine.

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